Diaspora Women's Initiative Pre Valentine's Day

8 February 2014 - 9 February 2014

DWI brings you a Pre-Valentines day warm up dance. Come rejoice in “love for humanity” as we “LOVE BEYOND BORDERS”

There will be loads of fun, with prizes to be won. Raffle tickets to be sold at the event, draws on the spot prizes for Outstanding designs and dress codes.

“Best dressed to be awarded the main prize”

There will be surprise guests and artists.

Admission: €5 in advance or €7 at the door

Date: Sat. Feb 8th 2014, 5pm til late

Location: Teacher’s Club, 36 parnell Square (opp. Rotunda hospital)

For Further Information Contact: Text “info” to 0860895863 or E-mail dwiyouth@gmail.com


Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square (opp. Rotunda hospital)

Location Map
