New Communities Partnership

New Communities Partnership (NCP) is an independent national network of 117ethnic minority led groups comprising of 75 nationalities from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, South America and Africa, with offices in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. New Communities Partnership was formally launched as an independent body in 2005 with the aim of empowering and representing ethnic minorities & their organisations in Ireland.

NCP member organisations are led by representatives of their own communities which is a defining characteristic of the organisation's approach. This initiative is unique in that it will be supporting the participation, engagement and emergence of ethnic minority community members themselves into leadership positions; enabling policy makers and planners to dialogue and communicate directly with ethnic minority communities through an organised and cohesive representative structure.

The mission of NCP is to be an effective network, representing and empowering ethnic minority-led groups, at all levels, in order to influence positive change in policies that impact on their lives.